
martin weber

about me

Hi there! I am Martin Weber.

I'm a passionate developer who loves coding and diving into technical details. Whether it's building applications, crafting my Neovim config, or customizing my split keyboard, I thrive on solving problems and exploring new technologies . As the go-to tech guy in my family, I've always enjoyed the challenge of making things work seamlessly.

My journey has taught me resilience and the importance of focus, which I bring to every project I work on.


Got a project or idea? Let's collaborate!

work experience

socialbakers (now emplify)

(2020.10 - 2022.05.)
At Socialbakers, I worked as a JavaScript developer on the Dashboard product, an analytical hub designed to give users a comprehensive overview of their social media performance. The Dashboard allowed users to create customizable dashboards with multiple widgets to monitor key metrics across various social networks and profiles.


(2022.4. - 2022.8.)
At 01People, I worked as a typescript dev on Hilbi, a platform designed to facilitate healthcare interactions. My primary focus was developing the front-end features on the web app and also the React Native app, which enabled functionalities such as patient-doctor communication, medication prescriptions, participation in health studies, and tracking of vital data.

health issues

(2022.8. - 2023.8.)
I had to quit work for some time because of serious health issues. But I've been trying to keep up with the tech industry, kept learning and doing some side projects. For example Habitsync was developed during this time.


(2023.10 - 2024.05)
I've been freelancing for a while now. For example I've been working on an app for an app for international basketball tournament. You can find more about it here Eastercup .